Real Snare Drum Sounds

“I love mixing my own drum sound from the samples. Exactly what I was looking for.”

— Craig, Nashville

Best Snare Drum Samples

“These are the best raw drum samples I've heard, really great stuff!”

— Timothy, United Kingdom

“So many cool ways to use the sample packs - the wall boundary mic has an ambient warm tone. I combined it with the floor boundary track and added it as a layer under my existing snare.”

Acoustic Snare Drum Samples Download

— John, New York

“Simply awesome. I’ve had people actually ask me where I got that snare sound.”

— Courtney, St. Louis

Drum Sound Libraries

We want to hear from you.

We strive to provide the highest quality audio from the most iconic drums made. Please leave us some feedback below or let us know how you are using our samples.